Streamline your duplicate share certificate process with Infiny Solutions
Share certificates issued by the companies to shareholders are often misplaced or lost due to certain unforeseen circumstances. The loss of original share certificates can cause a loss of investments to the shareholders. In that case, a Lost share certificate will act as proof of ownership of a share in a company.
To solve this issue, according to the Companies Act 2013, under Section 46, a Duplicate Share Certificate is issued. You are also required to read Rule 6 of the Companies Rules, 2014 if you have misplaced or lost the original share or investment certificate.
What do you mean by a ‘Share Certificate’?
Companies or financial institutions issue share certificates to a person to certify that the person becomes a registered owner of the company’s shares from the date of issue. It is prima facie evidence of your investment in the company’s shares and proves your ownership.
The loss or misplacement of such share certificates can cause the failure of recovery of your investment. Working with a sound financial firm like Infiny Solutions will enable you to generate a duplicate share certificate from the company.
What steps are to be taken after the misplacement or loss of share certificates?
If you have lost your share certificate you need to follow these steps —
- Inform the company about the lost or misplaced share immediately
- You can either send a letter to the company’s address or mail them about your lost certificate
- You must communicate the details of the misplaced or lost share certificate such as name, folio number, share certificate number, and address
What are the documents required?
- Use a Non-Judicial stamp paper to create an agreement for an indemnity bond.
- Buy a Non-Judicial stamp paper costing Rs.100 to prepare an affidavit.
- In case of a lost or misplaced share certificate, shareholders are required to file an F.I.R with the police. You need to furnish the following details in the F.I.R —
- Name registered on your share certificate
- Folio number of the share certificate
- The number of shares issued
- The share certificate number
How can a financial firm help with the ‘Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate’?
The process of issuing duplicate share certificates for a physical share certificate is quite complex and very often requires professional help. Infiny Solutions will enable shareholders to recover their investments by following a structured process.
Sound firms like Infiny Solutions will sail you through the entire process of issuing a duplicate share certificate. The process involves —
- An application will be sent to the company following which its board of members will decide whether to give consent or not.
- After giving consent, the company or financial institution will scrutinize your documents. The company will take around 4-6 weeks to issue a duplicate share certificate.
Without the help of reliable firms like Infiny Solutions, it is often impossible to pass the scrutiny checks of companies, especially when handling intricate issues like obtaining a Duplicate Share Certificate. The process requires knowledge of various acts, rules, and forms that can be found in only sound legal and financial firms.
Illustration depicting the problem of duplicate share certificates in financial transactions.
FAQs on Duplicate Share Certificates
What are the rules for the issue of duplicate share certificates?
How do I apply for a duplicate share certificate?
How long does it take to get a duplicate share certificate?
How much does it cost to get a duplicate share certificate?
Does the company need to stamp the duplicate certificate?