A duplicate share certificate has been issued if the original or physical share certificate is lost, misplaced, or stolen. It ensures a safeguard of financial assets and capital. The process of issuing a duplicate certificate is not as easy a task as it seems. You’ve to go through a lot of legal mandates. If you lose the physical share of TCS, you must inform the company with the help of your DP. After verification, they can issue you with a duplicate certificate. A few issues can arise due to a lack of knowledge or inappropriate submission of documents.
In this blog, you’ll learn about the issues associated with the issuance of TCS’s duplicate share certificates. Aside from that, you may also gain a few pieces of knowledge on how to resolve those issues.
After that, you may recover your lost share certificate of TCS.
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Understanding Duplicate Share Certificates
A duplicate share certificate refers to the share certificate that’s issued by the company when a person or shareholder lost their original share certificate. Imagine you’ve lost the physical share certificate of TCS. In this case, you’ve to communicate with the company authorities. They may ask you to submit a few necessary documents. After verifying all the details, the company might issue duplicate share certificates.
The original certificate may get lost sometimes without proper attention. Apart from that, there’s a chance that it can be misplaced or stolen. It increases the risk of fraudulent activities, fraudulent transactions, or financial asset ownership. You can fall into legal trouble or your investment may also fall under a risk. So, duplicate share certificates assist in this matter. It ensures that your ownership is safe. Aside from that, your investment or financial asset is also free from risks.
As soon as the company hears about your lost share certificate, they automatically freeze the transactions. The transaction resumes soon after you receive the duplicate certificate.
Common Issues Faced
Loss of Original Certificate
People apply for a duplicate share certificate when they lose the original one. In most cases, they don’t have a photocopy of the original physical share certificate. It causes delays and disruption during the issue of duplicate certificates.
Documentation Challenges
Applying for duplicate share certificates isn’t an easy task. The shareholder has to submit various documents. Sometimes they don’t submit all the documents. In addition, they fail to submit vital information with it. This creates numerous challenges during the issuance of certificates.
Legal and Compliance Hurdles
Commencing the issue of duplicate share certificates is a hectic task. Along with document submission, the shareholder has to fulfil the various legal requirements. The legal complications create confusion among the shareholders. Without fulfilling the legal requirements, the issue of duplicate certificates won’t be possible.
Resolving the Issues
Apply for a Duplicate Share Certificate
Step 1: Inform the Company
The moment you lose a physical share certificate, don’t wait for anything. Immediately inform the company about your lost share certificate. Lodge a police complaint and submit the FIR to the company registrar. If you lost your TCS share certificate, inform the TCS’s company registrar with the FIR copy. Don’t forget to add important details, like the folio number and the number of shares you own.
You can also inform your depository participant (DP) about the matter. They may assist you further in the process.
Step 2: Gather Necessary Documents
After you inform the company and your DP about the loss of your original share certificate, try to gather the necessary documents. It’s necessary for the issue of duplicate share certificates. Here is the list of documents:
- Copy of FIR
- Copy of lost or original share certificate
- Indemnity bond
- Proof of ownership with a statement
- Proof of address
- Proof of identity
- Copy of PAN card
Step 3: Submission of Documents
Submit all the necessary documents to the company and wait for a few days. Don’t forget to fulfil the KYC requirements.
The company may ask you to publish an advertisement in the newspaper.
Step 4: Verification
Next, the company will verify all your documents carefully. It may take usually 30 days for verification. However, in some cases, it can take more than 30 days.
Step 5: Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
After careful verification, the company will issue you with a duplicate share certificate. After that, you can regain your ownership. In addition, you can continue to make your transactions and investments.
Best Practices of Documentation
Keep or Store it in a Safe Place
Try to keep your share certificate in a safe place. Make sure there’s no risk of getting misplaced, lost, or theft. After receiving the duplicate certificate, store it in a safe place where it stays secure.
Regular Check Your Certificates
If possible keep an eye on your share certificates on a regular basis. Keep your share certificates well-organised and keep checking them regularly. In case you lose it, you can take immediate action.
Go for Dematerialisation
Nowadays, people keep their shares in an electronic form. So, the best option is opting for dematerialisation. It mitigates the risks of getting lost or misplaced. It diminishes all the risks associated with physical shares.
Keep a Photocopy
Always, try to keep a photocopy of your original share certificate. After receiving duplicate share certificates, try to make photocopies of them. It can help you if you lose them again. Not only that, it can assist you in preventing delays.
For a more personalised solution, contact Infiny Solutions, an expert consultant based in India. They can help you with adequate assistance and solve all your queries related to a lost share certificate or a duplicate share certificate.
Call to Action
At Infiny Solutions, we understand the value of a seamless process. Whether you want to dematerialise your share or apply for duplicate share certificates, we’ve got your back. We provide you with personalized solutions and assist you throughout the process. When it comes to duplicate share certificates, fulfilling legal requirements is a tough task. So we assist you in resolving your queries and doubts.
For any financial queries and concerns, contact Infiny Solutions today.
In Summary
A duplicate share certificate is issued when the original or physical share certificate is either lost, damaged, or theft. If you lost an original TCS share certificate you can apply for its duplicate certificate. All you need is to follow certain guidelines. Apart from that, you should submit all the necessary documents. However, issuing duplicate share certificates isn’t an easy task. A lot of complications or challenges are associated with this procedure. For instance, the loss of the original certificate, documentation hurdles, and legal complications.
In this blog, you’ve learned about the issues associated with the issuance of TCS’s duplicate share certificates. Aside from that, you have also gained a few pieces of knowledge on how to resolve those issues.
For a seamless experience, contact an expert consultant, like Infiny Solutions. They can guide you and help you to fulfil the legal requirements for the issue of duplicate TCS share certificates.
You can contact us at 90279 00537 or email us at info@infinysolutions.com.
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